Social Media The Future

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Social media is an online tool to share information with. So long as regulations let people have access on the internet, there will always be a social media. People love to share and socialise as much as they want and being able to do it online means another door for more people who are a little bit scared to engage in person. However, it can also be a door which might make people disengaged in a real world. A social media account gives a person a virtual world. Everything that happens there may only happen there. Gogolin, et al., 2014) It can make someone look richer or poorer. It can give people social status which can feed their ego and build their confidence. Or it can also give people mental depression on the other hand. (Anon., ) Given this possible negative and positive outcome, social media is now part of the online technology regardless of how people will use it. (Bryant, )

Small Players

Although that some few social media websites have successfully held their positions for a long time, many other have turned into an archive of the past like Friendster, Myspace and websites which did not last long in the field. (Seki & Nakamura, 2016) It only shows that social media is indeed a massive marketplace where big and small companies invest their money and efforts. However, to become successful in the industry, starters must compete with giant companies for them to get a share in the market. Sadly, these big companies, also too have the capacity to take over competitors, eating them whole and shutting them down.

Business Marketing and Social Media

Most businesses regardless of size are now a days have their own advertisements in social media. (Patino, et al., 2012) It gives them direct contact with people who are interested in their products and services. Social media platforms have trackers built into them to show their users the most relevant ads they have. Compared with other marketing platforms available, social media has the digital advancement that can get the most relevant audience who are more likely to get engaged with a business. However, some people find this invasion of privacy as they think that they are being spied on by these social media sites. Feeling that, they still use them anyway. (Roosendaal, 2010)


Social media is a great tool. It helps businesses, governments, and individuals share information. The other part of the world can now be shared in social media. Family members who must work abroad can now reach their loved ones. Organisations can also raise awareness to teach people. Governments can show their citizens where their taxes go by showing them infrastructures like schools and roads getting built. It is great, isn’t it? However, too much use of technology is not so great in a way, especially if it does not help the wellbeing of someone anymore. Moderation and knowing the consequences are the key to make sure that an uncontrolled use of social media is not going to happen. Given that, social media will be part of the internet ecosystem for a longest time. And in ten years, social media will not be the same as how it is now.